In addition to required courses, CSB majors must also fulfill the following elective requirements.

Technical Elective (3-4 Credits)

Must pick at least 1 approved CSE course from this list, or another CSE course approved by the program directors.9

Professional Electives (9 Credits)

Must pick 3 approved professional electives, this includes, but is not limited to:

  • Approved CSE Courses
  • Approved Business Courses
  • Prague Internship Credits

You may also fulfill a track to concentrate in a particular field within computer science and/or business, see CSB Tracks for more information. These tracks are not required, and are just helpful guidelines. Many tracks also put you close to completing a minor in that field, so keep that in mind.

Natural Science Electives (12 Credits)

Twelve credits of Natural Sciences (NS), such that one course has an attached laboratory and such that two courses are in a laboratory science with the first course prerequisite to the second course.  Note that there are some NS courses that, though in a laboratory science, do not include a laboratory; instead the "attached lab" has a separate course number.  Suggested sequences can be found here.

Humanities Electives (6 Credits)

Complete 6 credits worth of Humanities (HU) designated courses.

Social Science Electives (3 Credits)

Complete 3 credits worth of Social Science (SS) designated courses.

Free Electives (6-7 Credits)

These remaining credits can be from any courses, as long as you make sure you have the required 136 credits for graduation. Use these wisely to explore your interests and round out any minors you may have.