Total required credit hours: 136
Required Computer Science Courses (35-36 credit hours):
- CSE 007 Introduction to Programming (4) OR CSE 003 (2) followed by CSE 004 (2)
- CSE 017 Programming and Data Structures (3)
- CSE 109 Systems Software (4)
- CSE 140 Foundations of Discrete Structures and Algorithms (3)
- CSE 202 Computer Orgranization and Architecture (3)
- CSE 216 Software Engineering (3)
- CSE 241 Database Systems and Applications (3) OR CSE 341 Database Systems, Algorithms, and Applications (3)
- CSE 262 Programming Languages (3)
- CSE 303 Operating System Design (3)
- CSE 340 Design and Analysis of Algorithms (3)
- Technical Elective - One CSE course drawn from this list. (3 or 4 credits)
Required Business Courses (32 credit hours):
- ACCT 151 Introduction to Financial Accounting (3)
- ACCT 152 Introduction to Managerial Accounting (3)
- BUS 001 Foundations of Business (1)
- ECO 001 Principles of Economics (4)
- ECO 119 Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis (3) OR ECO 146 Intermediate Microeconomic Analysis (3)
- FIN 125 Introduction to Finance (3)
- LAW 201 Legal Environment of Business (3)
- SCM 186 Supply Chain Operations Management (3)
- MGT 043 Organizational Behavior (3)
- MGT 301 Strategic Management in a Global Environment (3)
- MKT 111 Principles of Marketing (3)
* Students are required to participate in the Student to Professional Co-curriculum.
Required CSB Courses (9 credit hours):
- CSB 311 Computer Applications in Business (3)
- CSB 312 (Capstone I) Design of Integrated Business Applications I (3) - taken spring preceding last fall term
- CSB 313 (Capstone II) Design of Integrated Business Applications II (3) - taken last fall term
Required CSB Professional Electives (9 credit hours):
- Professional Nine hours of courses approved by the CSB program co-directors. See CSB TRACKS for suggestions but note that it is not required to follow a track.
Required Math Courses (14 credit hours):
- MATH 021 Calculus I (4) OR MATH 075 (2) followed by MATH 076 (2)
- MATH 022 Calculus II (4)
- MATH 205 Linear Methods (3)
- MATH 231 Probability & Statistics (3) OR ECO 045 Statistical Methods (3)
Required Investigating the Natural World Courses (12 credit hours):
- NW Sequence Twelve credits of Investigating the Natural World (NW), such that one course has an attached laboratory and such that two courses are in a laboratory science with the first course prerequisite to the second course. Note that there are some NW courses that, though in a laboratory science, do not include a laboratory; instead the "attached lab" has a separate course number. Suggested sequences can be found here.
Required Human Experience, Arts & Language, and Social World Courses (18 credit hours):
- WRT 001 Academic and Analytical Writing (3) - International students may be placed in WRT 003 instead of WRT 001
- CSE 252 Computers, Internet and Society (3)
- BUS 003 Business Communication I (1.5)
- BUS 203 Business Communication II (1.5)
- HE and/or AL Electives 6 additional credit hours in the humanities (HU)
- SW Electives 3 additional credit hours in the social sciences (SS)
Free Electives (6-7 credits for a total of 136 credits)
- FREE Elective The student has some flexibility in choosing the sequence of courses, because many of the courses are offered every semester. For a list of all CSE courses and when they are offered, and for suggested sequences of courses to satisfy the degree requirements, see When courses are offered.