Students may choose to use their CSB professional electives to develop areas of concentrations or tracks from courses offered within the CSE department or CBE. In certain cases, the program co-directors may also approve courses from other departments. Some examples of CSB tracks are presented below. Note that it is not required that a student complete a track, just that students fulfill the 9-credit professional elective requirement.


ACCT 315 Financial Accounting

ACCT 320 Auditing

ACCT 324 Cost Accounting

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

CSE 326 Fundamentals of Machine Learning

CSE 327 / COGS 327 Artificial Intelligence Theory and Practice

CSE 348 AI Game Programming

Business Economics Consulting

ECO 301 Econometric Software

ECO 322 Competitor and Market Analysis

ECO 333 Economics of Business Decisions

ECO 357 Econometrics

Computer Science Graduate School

CSE 271 Programming in the C and Unix Environment

CSE 302 Compiler Design or CSE 392 Independent Study

CSE 318 Automata and Formal Grammars

CSE 342 Fundamentals of Internetworking

Corporate IT Development

CSE 271 Programming in C and Unix

CSE 313 Computer Graphics

CSE 342 Fundamentals of Internetworking or CSE 343 Network Security


ENTP 101 Introduction to Entrepreneurship

ENTP 201 Entrepreneurship & Enterprise

ENTP 304 / CSB 304 Software Entrepreneurship

ENTP 315 Lehigh SIlicon Valley


FIN 323 Investments

FIN 328 Corporate Finance

FIN 334 Derivatives


MGT 328 / SCM 328 Negotiations and Conflict Management

MGT 333 Human Resource Management

MGT 342 Managing in the International Organization or MGT 363 Managing Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace 

Marketing Analytics

CSE 347 Data Mining

MKT 312 Marketing Research

MKT 325 / ECO 325 Consumer Insights through Data Analysis

MKT 326 Marketing Analytics in a Digital Space

Marketing Sales

CSE 347 Data Mining

MKT 330 Professional Selling

MKT 328 / SCM 328 Negotiations and Conflict Management

MKT 332 Sales Management

Software Development

CSE 271 Programming in C and Unix

CSE 265 System and Network Administration

CSE 334 Software System Security

CSE 343 Network Security

Supply-Chain Management

SCM 309 Supply, Cost, and Risk Management

SCM 342 E-Business Enterprise Applications

SCM 354 Integrated Logistics and Transportation Management

Note that not all of these courses are offered on a regular basis.